猫でもわかる 秘密の英語勉強会

アニメ「Dr.STONE」第11話「CLEAR WORLD」、海外勢の反応は?




※ 本記事には「Dr. STONE」第11話までのネタバレが含まれます。

リンク(Prime Video):Dr.STONE


Senku making glasses made me tear up. Suika being able to see is just so heartwarming. One of my favorite moments from the manga.
Finally, ACTUAL best boy enters the scene

> This man literally only exists just to craft some high quality shit. God I fucking love Kaseki so much.



> この男は文字通り高品質なものを作るために存在する。カセキめっちゃ好き。

> お願いマッスル!

> めっちゃモテたい
As someone who is growing more and more dependant on glasses as the ages go by, that scene hit really hard. I couldn't imagine how hard would it be to live your entire life with shitty, blurry vision. We really take a lot of stuff for granted these days.
Things like this is why I love Dr. Stone. It's an insanely entertaining show that also makes you actually appreciate more things about life that you wouldn't even think about.

> This is my favorite thing about the show. Senku keeps making things that none of the viewers would be amazed by but seeing the reactions of the villagers really puts things into perspective. I've had to wear glasses since I was a kid and every time I put them away whenever I go swimming, I realize how fucked I'd be if they were never invented. I'm pretty thankful I was born in this age.

> I loved how no one said a word after she put on the glasses. They let her emotions be expressed though imagery. What a powerful scene.

> これが俺がこのアニメを好きな理由だ。千空は視聴者が誰も驚かない物を作り続けるが、村人たちの反応を見ると本当によくわかる。俺は子どもの頃から常に眼鏡が必須で、水泳で眼鏡をはずすたびにこれが発明されなかったらどんなにひどかっただろうと気付かされる。この時代に生まれたことに本当に感謝している。

> スイカが眼鏡マスクをかぶった後に誰も言葉を発しなかったのが良かった。映像でスイカの感情を表現した。何てパワフルなシーンなんだ。
Seeing Suika wearing her glasses is just as dramatic as I remember in the manga. It's my favorite scene in the whole series as well.

And we finally get to see Kaseki. He's just an amazing character. One of my favorites

Can’t wait to see the next episode even if I read the manga
What's that last chemical Senku brags about?
Oh, so that's why Suika was wearing that thing on her head? I wonder at what point will Senku become aware that Kinro also needs a pair of glasses.
It comes to no surprise that the highly skill crafter literally looks like a dwarf.

It just made me think of the first time I got glasses. All I remember is I couldn't stop smiling for quite a while. It's sad to think how many people could never see properly.

> I got glasses when I was Suika's age and it was really just a marvel. I couldn't stop staring at everything and seeing all the incredible detail. From my fingerprints, to the veins in a leaf... even the individual hairs on my parents' heads.

> 俺はスイカと同じ年齢のときに眼鏡をかけて本当に驚いた。何でもじっと見つめるのをやめられなかったし、信じられないほど細かい所も見ていた。自分の指紋から葉脈、さらには両親の髪の毛一本一本まで。
I'm glad that they kept the melon head for her, even though she's cute without it.
Glasses Acquired ! Child laborer Acquired ! Dwarf Acquired !
眼鏡を手に入れた! 児童労働者を手に入れた! ドワーフを手に入れた!
Ive been working in front of the computer since ive graduated. Slowly my eyes deteriorated without me realizing until the day i had a free eye examination trial and eventually bought glasses. I never realized how bad my eyesight is when i went out of the shop i spent hours reading signages and looking at the surrounding everything looks HD its like comparing 2008 youtube to 2018 youtube quality. I felt regret for abusing my eyes when i was young.
That moment where Suika’s eyes got blurry for a different reason after getting glasses was so heartwarming. God this show is great.