今回は英語フレーズ「the other day」の意味と使い方を勉強しよう。
the other day は「先日」とか「この間」という意味。
最近のことを the other day って言うのか。
そう、英語の辞書で the other day を調べてみよう。
the other day/morning/week etc
used to say that something happened recently, without saying exactly when
- I saw Jack the other day.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- 私は最近ルーファスを見た。
I bought this picture the other day.
We watched a very funny movie the other day.
I had a strange experience the other night.
このように the other day は「先日」「この間」という意味になる。
また、the other morning や the other night と言うと、「先日の朝」とか「先日の夜」のように具体的な時間帯を示すことになるよ。
ちなみに他の表現だと、a few days ago で「この間」という意味になる。これは「2, 3日前」ぐらいの感覚だね。
I saw him at the station a few days ago.
2, 3日前に彼と駅で会った。
I just graduated from college a few days ago.
私は2, 3日前に大学を卒業したばかりだ。
So the other day my cat tried getting the last chip out of the bag aaand this happened pic.twitter.com/b0ujSneHYH
— Bri (@BrianaNicole33) July 12, 2019
I took this picture the other morning and I can’t get over it. The cat and the dog are becoming best friends 😭💗 pic.twitter.com/MGF3OS1voy
— Caroline ✨ (@Chinnery) May 8, 2019
So my bf moved in with me a few days ago and I keep finding his cat in random places 😆 pic.twitter.com/4QJBUzbAmX
— Peyton Reck (@peytonreck) July 20, 2019