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Global crypto wallet Abra has enabled the direct purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies for European bank accounts, according to a press-release published by PR Newswire Tuesday, September 4.
Abra, which offers 28 cryptocurrencies for consumers worldwide, will now support Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) bank accounts. As the company’s official Twitter states, the launch of in-app European bank purchases of digital currency has already started.
28種類の仮想通貨を世界中の顧客向けに提供するAbraは、単一ユーロ決済圏 (SEPA) の銀行口座をサポートします。同社の公式Twitterによると、すでに欧州の銀行からアプリ内で仮想通貨を購入可能とのことです。
Customers can now transfer euros or several other national currencies directly to their wallet which can, in turn, can be converted into the 28 cryptocurrencies offered by Abra including Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Ripple (XRP).
顧客はユーロや数種類の法定通貨を直接ウォレットに送金し、イーサリアム (ETH)、ライトコイン (LTC)、リップル (XRP) などを含む28種類の仮想通貨に交換することができます。
Bill Barhydt, founder and CEO of Abra, further explained the innovation:
"With users from over 70 countries globally, and a greater demand for the ability to invest in cryptocurrencies from any bank account, it is really important to give investors the opportunity to fund their Abra wallet directly from any bank account."
Along with backing SEPA bank accounts, Abra has announced three new coins recently added to the wallet: Cardano (ADA), Basic Attention Token (BAT), and Tron (TRX).
SEPAの銀行口座をサポートすると共に、Abraはウォレットに新しくカルダノ (ADA)、ベーシック・アテンション・トークン (BAT)、トロン (TRX) の3銘柄を追加したことも発表しました。

via: Crypto Wallet Abra Announces Direct Transactions From EU Banks in SEPA
