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Rumored Ripple Adoption: Santander’s OnePayFX to launch world-wide in the near future


Santander Group had recently launched their App called OnePayFX. The app is based on the blockchain technology of Ripple. It allows cash transfers to arrive on the same day.
サンタンデールグループは、OnePayFX と呼ばれるアプリを最近ローンチしました。同アプリはリップル社のブロックチェーン技術をベースにしており、当日に到着する送金を可能にします。
The company had declared that their aim is to become the pioneer retail bank to allow cross-border payments of cryptocurrencies, using blockchain technology, internationally.
XCurrent is employed by this service, which is a business software made and designed for banks. It enables them to receive and transfer payments internationally. XCurrent also encrypts end-to-end tracking of messages and it’s bi-directional.
同サービスには、銀行向けに設計開発されたビジネスソフトウェア xCurrent が採用されています。これにより国際間での支払いと受け取りが可能になります。また、xCurrent はメッセージのエンド・ツー・エンドトラッキングを暗号化し、これは双方向で行われます。
The App supports convenient and fast payments and also allows their customers, based on the current exchange rate to view the precise amount which will be transferred.