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RIPPLE With Ripple [XRP], Santander plans to expand service to non-Santander customers


Earlier this month, Santander launched an app called OnePayFX, which is based on Ripple’s blockchain technology and allows cross-border payment for Santander customers, making it the first international bank to launch a blockchain-based cross-border payments app.
The app not only supports fast and convenient payments but also allows the user to view the exact amount that will be transferred, based on the current exchange rate. It is currently available in Spain, Poland, Brazil, and the United Kingdom.
Based on an interview with the Financial Times, Ana Botín, Santander’s Executive Director said that Santander has bigger plans with Ripple. They are planning to allow even the non-Santander customers to use the technology.
フィナンシャル・タイムズとのインタビューにおいて、サンタンデール銀行のエグゼクティブディレクター アナ・ボスティン氏は、サンタンデール銀行とリップルにはさらに大きな計画があると話しました。それは、サンタンデール銀行以外の顧客に対しても、この技術を利用可能にするというものです。
She said:
“We’re working, as you say, to make this also, at some point – I don’t have a timing for that – a separate app so it’s open market payments and so we’re very excited about the potential.”
Ana also mentions that Santander is working towards making it accessible to companies as it is now available only to individuals. She also explained that Santander uses blockchain technology to make about 50% of the foreign exchange payments, in collaboration with Ripple. Before this technology was launched, they had tested it for about two years with their own employees.
さらにアナ氏は、現在は個人向けの同技術を企業にも利用できるようサンタンデール銀行が取り組んでいると述べました。また、サンタンデール銀行は、リップルと協力して外国為替決済の約 50% にブロックチェーン技術を使用していると説明しました。この技術がローンチされる前には、従業員らによって約 2 年間のテストが行われました。